
Use Tez and give yourself a chance to be paid 9000/- and a chance to win 1 Lac, Tez an App by Google

This post is for a person who are tech savvy or moderate in tech and have some free time to explore new apps and their functions as well as for them who are willing to make some money with help of their android phone and all the information provided is for India only, please reach out to term & conditions of Tez if you have any query about if it is available outside of India. Google has recently launched their payment app TEZ and they are paying directly to people's account which is a very good method to reach out to public faster than any other method. So you can withdraw the amount from ATM, isn't it cool ? getting paid without any charges involved, unlike other apps do. I won't say these are going to make you rich but however if there is opportunity to make around 9000 in a financial year and a chance to win a lottery of 100,000 which is held at every sunday of a week and will be continued till 30th April 2018. who knows i or you may get lucky within the aforesa...
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